Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Holly Says to Use Ice for Hemorrhoid Pain Relief

In her H Miracle cure, (the ultimate guide to hemorrhoid treatment) author and hemorrhoid expert Holly Hayden describes how ice is one of the absolute cheapest and most effective treatments for swollen hemorrhoid tissues.

Simply apply a cold compress or ice pack to the anal area. The cold will reduce swelling by penetrating the tissues reducing the blood flow to your swollen rectal veins. Once the swelling has reduced you will have relief from the pain.

When I was really experiencing a great deal of hemroid swelling I used ice packs several times a day. This really helped reduce the swelling and it was not as uncomfortable as I thought it would be.

Since I couldn't use a home made ice pack outside my home so I looked for a way that I could use ice conveniently when I was at work. After some searching I discovered two hemorrhoid treatment products that use the properties of ice to reduce hemorrhoid swelling and relieve pain.

The products that I found were Hemorr-ice and another product called Anuice, which is an FDA approved product for hemorrhoid treatment.

There are steps you can take to ease your pain. If you’ve been suffering from swollen hemorrhoids try one of these icy options and start to feel good again! You might want to check out H Miracle to read about more hemorrhoid treatments like these.